home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- >commands
- + {A}SM [{DVx}] [(beginning at) addr] [{I}(nteractive)] [assembler_mnemonic]
- + {B}REAK [{DV0..7}] [{#}bn] [{addr}|{OFF}] [{access}] [{type}] [{expression}]
- + {C}HANGE [{DV0..7}] [reg[_block]/addr[_block] (to)[expression]
- + {CO}PY (from) [{DVx}] addr[_block] (to)[{DV0..7}] addr
- + {D}ISPLAY [{DV0..7}] [{ON}/{OFF}/{ALL}/{IO}] [reg[_block/_group]/addr[_block]]...
- + {D}ISPLAY {W}(active DVs)/{V}(version)
- + {DE}VICE {DV0..7} [{ON}/{OFF}]
- + {DI}SASSEMBLE [{DV0..7}] [addr[_block]]
- + {E}VALUATE [{DVx}] [{B}(binary)/{D}(decimal)/{F}(float)/{H}(hexadecimal)] expression
- + {F}ORCE [{DV0..7}] {a|b|c|d|e}
- + {G}O [{DV0..7}] [(from)addr/{R}(reset)] [(to break #){#}bn] [(occurrence){:}count]
- + {H}ELP [{DVx}] [command|register|{vectors}|{io}]
- + {HO}ST (address)[{IO}] [{TIMEOUT}] [{hex value for IO address or TIMEOUT count}]
- + {I}NPUT [{DV0..7}] [{#}number] {OFF}/{TERM}/filename [{-rd}|{-rf}|{-rh}]
- + {L}OAD [{DV0..7}|{S}(state)}] (from) filename
- + {LO}G [{DV0..7}] [{OFF}] [{C}(commands)/{S}(session) [filename]]
- + {O}UTPUT [{DV0..7}] [{#}number] {OFF}/{TERM}/filename [{-rd}|{-rf}|{-rh}]
- + {P}ATH [{DV0..7}] [pathname]
- + {Q}UIT
- + {R}ADIX [{DV0..7}] [{B}(bin)/{D}(dec)/{H}(hex)/{F}(float)] [reg[_block]/addr[_block]
- < {S}AVE [{DV0..7}] {S}(state)/addr_block... filename
- + {ST}EP [{DV0..7}] [count]
- + {SY}STEM [system_command [parameter_list]]
- + {T}RACE [{DV0..7}] [count]
- + {W}AIT [count(seconds)]
- + {Macro filename}
- + {;}comment string entry
- +{----------- Other Help Topics ----------------}
- + {io} : list of on-chip io registers and their addresses
- + {int} : list of interrupt vector addresses
- + {pin} : list of pin names and numbers
- >tio
- +
- +{----------- Terminal Input Examples ----------}
- +
- + Input data value may be hexadecimal, decimal, float, or pin data.
- + Hex input just expects hex digits 0-f. Don't precede with $.
- + Decimal input expects decimal integers. Don't use float notation.
- + Float input accepts almost any floating point format.
- + Pin data input expects 1, 0, or x for each pin. No imbedded blanks.
- +
- >assemble
- +
- +{----------- ASM: Single Line Assembler ----------}
- +
- + {A}SM [{DV0..7}] [(beginning at) addr] [assembler_mnemonic]
- +
- + {asm p:$50}
- + Start interactive assembler at program address 50(hex) of default Device.
- +
- + {asm x:0 move r0,d0.l}
- + Assemble single instruction at x memory address 0 of default Device.
- +
- + {asm}
- + Start assembler at current program counter value of default Device.
- +
- + {asm dv3 p:100}
- + Start assembler at program memory address 100 (decimal) of Device 3.
- +
- + {asm i}
- + Start assembler at current program counter value of default Device.
- + After instruction is assembled and placed in memory, trace the instruction.
- +
- + {asm p:$50 i move #1,x0}
- + Assemble a move #1,x0 instruction, place the opcode at program address
- + 50 hex, and immediately execute the instruction.
- +
- >break
- +
- +{----------- BREAK: Set, Modify, or Clear Breakpoint -----------}
- +
- + {B}REAK [{DV0..7}] [{#}bn] [{addr}|{OFF}] [{access}] [{type}]
- {address|address_range} [{count}] [{expression}]
- +
- + There are two types of breakpoints that may be programmed. These are
- + software breakpoints and hardware breakpoints. There are 15 software
- + conditional breakpoints which monitor condition code register bits
- + and 21 conditional floating point breakpoints which monitor condition
- + code register, IEEE exception register and Exception register bits.
- + A total of 99 software breakpoints may be set at one time in user
- + program RAM and must be set at opcode addresses and not operand addresses.
- +
- + There are 8 types of hardware breakpoints where 4 types pertain to
- + program memory accesses and 4 pertain to data memory accesses. Program
- + and data memory breakpoints may be set simultaneously. One program and
- + one data memory hardware breakpoint is allowed.
- <
- + There are certain default rules for setting breakpoints with a minimun
- + of key strokes as follows:
- + 1. Default breakpoints are always software if no type is entered and
- + a single address is specified.
- + 2. If a breakpoint range is specified and no type is entered it will
- + default to a hardware breakpoint of a read of program core fetch.
- + 3. If more than one range is entered in a breakpoint list, the last range
- + will be the hardware breakpoint.
- + 4. Default breakpoint count is 1 unless specified. Software breakpoints
- + are always count of 1.
- <
- +
- + Hardware Breakpoint Types Software Breakpoint Types
- + {pcf} program core fetch {cc} carry clear (c=0)
- + {pcm} program core move {cs} carry set (c=1)
- + {eq} equal (z=1)
- + {xab1} X Address Bus 1 access {ge} greater or equal (n && v = 0)
- + {xab2} X Address Bus 2 access {gt} greater than (z v (n && v) = 0)
- + {hi} higher (z v c = 0)
- + {le} less or equal (z v (n && v) = 1)
- + {ls} lower or same (z v c = 1)
- + {lt} less than (n && v = 1)
- + Hardware Breakpoint Accesses {mi} minus (n = 1)
- + {r} break on read only {ne} not equal (z = 0)
- + {w} break on write only {pl} plus (n = 0)
- + {rw} break on read or write {vc} overflow clear (v = 0)
- + {vs} overflow set (v = 1)
- + {al} always true (n.a.)
- +
- <
- + A breakpoint expression may be any logical expression that is valid for
- + the DSP56116 Macro Assembler (ASM56116). The following is a list of
- + operators that may be used in the breakpoint expression:
- +
- + {<} less than {&&} logical 'and'
- + {<=} less than or equal to {||} logical 'or'
- + {==} equal to {! } logical 'negate'
- + {>=} greater than or equal to {& } bitwise 'and'
- + {> } greater than {| } bitwise 'or'
- + {!=} not equal to {~ } bitwise one's complement
- + {+ } addition {^ } bitwise 'exclusive or'
- + {- } subtraction {<<} shift left
- + {/ } division {>>} shift right
- +
- <
- + {----------- Breakpoint Actions -----------}
- + {H } Halt execution. This is the default.
- + {In} Increment counter variable CNTn (n=1/2/3/4).
- + {N } Note - display the breakpoint expression and continue.
- + {S } Show the enabled register/memory set and continue.
- +
- + {----------- Examples -----------}
- + {break}
- + Display all currently enabled breakpoints.
- +
- + {break off}
- + Remove all currently enabled breakpoints.
- +
- + {break #1 off}
- + Remove breakpoint number 1.
- +
- < {break $500 }
- + The default Device halts program execution when the program counter reaches
- + the instruction at address 500.
- +
- + {break p:300 t(lc<10)&&(r0>100)}
- + The default Device will test the conditions of the expression when the
- + program counter reaches the instruction at address 300. If the condition
- + is true the Device will halt program execution and display its registers.
- +
- + {break dv2 p:1000}
- + Device 2 will halt program execution and display its registers when its
- + program counter reaches the instruction at address 1000.
- +
- + {break al p:105}
- + Set a software breakpoint at program address 105. The software breakpoint
- + will be a debug opcode and it should be placed at an opcode address always.
- +
- >change
- +
- + {----------- CHANGE: Change Register or Memory Value -----------
- +
- + {C}HANGE [{DV0..7}] [reg[_block]/addr[_block] (to)[expression]
- +
- + {change pc}
- + Display register values individually starting with the program counter
- + and prompt the user for new values.
- +
- + {change dv2 x:$55}
- + Display Device 2 X memory location 55(hex) and prompt the user for a new value.
- +
- + {change p:$20 $123456 }
- + Change p memory address hexadecimal 20 to hexadecimal 123456.
- +
- + {change r0..r7 0 p:$30..$300 0 x:$fffe $55 pc 100}
- + Change the default Device registers r0 through r7 to 0, p memory addresses hexadecimal 30
- + through 300 to 0, x memory address hex fffe to hex 55 and the program
- + counter to 100 decimal.
- +
- + {change dv3,4,7 p:$20 $123456 }
- + Change Devices 3,4, and 7 p memory address 20(hex) to 123456(hex).
- +
- + {change r0..r7 0 p:$30..$300 0 x:$fffe $55 pc 100}
- + Change the default Device registers r0 through r7 to 0, p memory addresses
- + hexadecimal 30 through 300 to 0, x memory address hex fffe to hex 55 and
- + the program counter to 100 decimal.
- +
- >copy
- +
- + {----------- COPY: Copy a Memory Block -----------}
- +
- + {CO}PY (from) [{DVx}] addr[_block] (to)[{DV0..7}] addr
- +
- + {copy p:$100..$500 x:$500}
- + Copy the default Device program memory values located from 100(hex)
- + through hexadecimal 500 to x memory starting at hexadecimal 500.
- +
- + {copy x:0#100 p:0}
- + Copy one hundred memory locations of the default Device beginning at X
- + memory location 0 to p memory beginning at location 0.
- +
- + {copy p:0..20 p:40}
- + Copy p memory locations 0 through 20 to p memory locations 40 through 60.
- +
- + {copy dv1 p:0..20 d2..5 p:40}
- + Copy Device 1 p memory locations 0 through 20 to Devices 2,3,4 and 5 p memory
- + locations 40 through 60.
- >disassemble
- +
- + {----------- DISASSEMBLE: Object Code Disassembler -----------}
- +
- + {DI}SASSEMBLE [addr[_block]]
- +
- + {disassemble }
- + Disassemble 20 instructions beginning at program counter address.
- +
- + {disassemble y:5}
- + Disassemble 20 instructions beginning at y memory map address 5.
- +
- + {disassemble p:0..20}
- + Disassemble program memory address block 0 to 20.
- +
- + {disassemble x:$50#10}
- + Disassemble 10 instructions starting at x memory map hex 50.
- +
- >display
- +
- + {-----------DISPLAY: Display Register or Memory -----------}
- +
- + {D}ISPLAY [{DV0..7}] [{ON}/{OFF}/{ALL}/{IO}] [reg[_block/_group]/addr[_block]].
- + {D}ISPLAY {W}(active DVs)/{V}(version)
- +
- + {display}
- + Display all currently enabled registers and memory.
- +
- + {display w}
- + Display Devices that are currently executing user programs.
- +
- + {display v}
- + Display ADS56116 rev. number, date of release, and default Device monitor rev.
- +
- + {display dv2 v}
- + Display ADS56116 rev. number, data of release, and Device #2 monitor rev.
- +
- + {----------- Register and Memory Display Modes -----------}
- +
- + {ON} Always display the following registers and memory locations.
- + {OFF} Never display the following registers and memory locations.
- +
- + {----------- Examples -----------}
- +
- + {display on }
- + Enable all registers and stacked levels for display
- +
- + {display on p:0..20 x:30..40 y:$100}
- + Display enable p memory address block 0 to 20, x memory address block
- + 30 to 40 and y memory address hexadecimal 100.
- +
- + {display off }
- + {display on dsp}
- + Disable all display, then enable display of the DSP56116 programming model
- + registers only.
- +
- <
- + {----------- Register Group Names -----------}
- +
- + {ALL} all registers.
- + {DSP} all of the DSP56116 programming model registers.
- + {IO} all peripheral registers.
- + {SSI0} all synchronous serial interface 0 registers.
- + {SSI1} all synchronous serial interface 1 registers.
- + {ONCE} all on-chip emulator registers.
- + {HOST} all host port interface registers.
- + {STACK} all current stacked levels.
- +
- + {display stack}
- + Immediate display of all stacked levels up to the current stack pointer
- + value. Example: sp=5 shows stacked values from 1 to 5.
- +
- >device
- +
- + {----------- DEVICE: Select a Default Device --------------}
- +
- + {DE}VICE {DV0..7} [{ON}/{OFF}]
- +
- + {device}
- + Display the current active Device(s) and default Device to be addressed.
- +
- + {device dv2}
- + Select Device number 2 as the default Device for command entry.
- +
- + {device dv0..2 on}
- + Enable Devices 0,1,and 2 as active devices.
- +
- >evaluate
- +
- + {----------- EVALUATE: Evaluate an Expression -----------}
- +
- + {E}VALUATE [{DVx}] [{B}(binary)/{D}(decimal)/{F}(float)/{H}(hexadecimal)] expression
- +
- + Following is a list of valid operators useable in an expression:
- + {<} less than {&&} logical 'and'
- + {<=} less than or equal to {||} logical 'or'
- + {==} equal to {! } logical 'negate'
- + {>=} greater than or equal to {& } bitwise 'and'
- + {> } greater than {| } bitwise 'or'
- + {!=} not equal to {~ } bitwise one's complement
- + {+ } addition {^ } bitwise 'exclusive or'
- + {- } subtraction {<<} shift left
- + {/ } division {>>} shift right
- +
- + {evaluate r0+p:$50}
- + Add the value in r0 register to the value in program memory address
- + hexadecimal 50 and display the result using the default radix.
- +
- + {evaluate b $345 }
- + Convert hexadecimal 345 to binary and display the result.
- +
- + {evaluate h %10101010&p:r0 }
- + Calculate the bitwise AND of the program memory address specified by the
- + value in r0 register and the binary value 10101010 and display the result
- + in hexadecimal.
- +
- >force
- +
- + {----------- FORCE: Assert Reset or Break on a Device -----------}
- +
- + {F}ORCE [{DV0..7}] {a|b|c|d|e}
- + The a and b options are for the command convertor while the c,d and e
- + options are for the target 56116.
- +
- + {force a}
- + Force a reset on the current default command convertor.}
- +
- + {force b}
- + Force an interrupt on the current default command convertor.
- +
- + {force c}
- + Force a reset on the current default target 56116. This will reset
- + the target 56116 into the operating mode specified by the MODA and MODB
- + pins.
- +
- + {force d}
- + Force the current default target 56116 into OnCE mode.
- +
- + {force e}
- + Force a reset on the current default target 56116 with the debug request
- + pin asserted. This will reset the target 56116 into OnCE debug mode.
- +
- + {force dv1,4,5 b}
- + Force an interrupt on command convertors 1,4 and 5.
- +
- + Note: Execution of a force command from a macro file should be followed by
- + a {wait 1} command to allow the Device reset capacitor time constant to charge
- +
- >go
- +
- + {----------- GO: Execute DSP56116 Program -----------}
- +
- + {G}O [{DV0..7}] [(from)addr/{R}(reset)] [(to break #){#}bn] [(occurrence){:}count]
- +
- + {go}
- + Start DSP56116 program execution from the current program counter value
- + of the default Device.
- +
- + {go $100}
- + Load the default Device program counter with hexidecimal 100 and start
- + DSP56116 program execution.
- +
- + {go dv1..3}
- + Start DSP56116 program execution of Devices 1,2 and 3 at their current
- + program counter addresses.
- +
- + {go dv1 100 #5 :3}
- + Start DSP56116 program execution of Device 1 from address P:100. Halt on
- + the third occurrence of breakpoint number 5.
- +
- >help
- +
- + {----------- HELP: ADS56116 User Interface Help Text -----------
- +
- + {H}ELP [{DVx}] [command|register|topic]
- +
- + {help}
- + Display a summary of all available commands and their parameters.
- +
- + {help asm}
- + Display a summary of the assemble command and its parameters.
- +
- + {help dv1 host}
- + Define host register bits and display the current value of Device# 1.
- +
- + {help vectors}
- + Display the vector addresses and the vector source}
- +
- + {help io}
- + Display the X Memory Internal I/O Map}
- +
- >host
- + {----------- HOST: Change HOST Interface Address -----------}
- +
- + {HO}ST (address)[{IO}|{TIMEOUT}] [{value}]
- +
- + {host}
- + Display the current HOST Interface Card address.
- +
- + {host io $200}
- + Change the host Interface address offset to hexidecimal 200.
- + This command arguement is only valid for the IBM-PC host.
- +
- + {host timeout $1ffff}
- + Change the host timeout for software handshakes to the ADM board
- + to a value of hex 1ffff. The timeout argument is used on PCs that
- + run at faster clock speeds and is used to eliminate timeout errors.
- +
- >input
- +
- + {----------- INPUT: Assign Input File -----------}
- +
- + {I}NPUT [{DV0..7}] [{#}number] {OFF}/{TERM}/filename [{-rd}|{-rf}|{-rh}]
- +
- + {input}
- + Display currently open input files for default Device.
- +
- {input dv1 #4 data}
- + Open 'data.io' file number 4 for input to Device 2.
- +
- + {input dv2 #1 off}
- + Close current input data file number 1 assigned to Device 2.
- +
- + {input data -rf}
- + Open 'data.io' file for floating point input values and assign
- + a file number to it.
- + Note: -rd = radix decimal, -rf = radix float, -rh = radix hexadecimal
- +
- >load
- +
- + {----------- LOAD: Load DSP56116 Files -----------}
- +
- + {L}OAD [{DV0..7}|{S}(state)}] (from) filename
- +
- ; PC
- ; {load \\source\\testloop.obj}
- ; MAC
- ; {load hd:source:testloop.obj}
- + {load /source/testloop.obj}
- + Load 'testloop.obj' file from directory 'source'.
- +
- + {load lasttest}
- + Load 'lasttest.lod' file from current directory.
- +
- + {load s lunchbrk}
- + Load 'lunchbrk.ads', replacing the entire current ads56116 state.
- +
- + {load dv0..2 testdata}
- + Load Device 0,1 and 2 with the contents of 'testdata.lod' file.
- +
- >log
- +
- + {----------- LOG: Log Commands and/or Session -----------
- +
- + {LO}G [{DV0..7}] [{OFF}] [{C}(commands)/{S}(session) [filename]]
- +
- + {log }
- + Display currently opened log files of default Device.
- +
- ; PC
- ; {log s \\debugger\\session1}
- ; MAC
- ; {log s hd:debugger:session1}
- + {log s /debugger/session1}
- + Log all default Device display entries to filename 'session1.log' in
- + directory 'debugger'
- +
- + {log c macro1}
- + Log all commands for default Device to filename 'macro1.cmd'.
- +
- + {log off c}
- + Terminate command logging for default Device.
- +
- + {log off}
- + Terminate all logging for default Device.
- +
- + {log dv0..7 s logfile}
- + Log all Device display entries to filename 'logfile.log'
- +
- >output
- +
- + {----------- OUTPUT: Assign Output File -----------}
- +
- + {O}UTPUT [{DV0..7}] [{#}number] {OFF}/{TERM}/filename [{-rd}|{-rf}|{-rh}]
- +
- + {output}
- + Display all output files currently open for default Device.
- +
- + {output #1 term}
- + Open output file number 1 to the terminal. All outputs will be displayed
- + on the screen.
- +
- + {output dv2 #5 admout}
- + Open output file number 5 called 'admout.io' for Device 2.
- +
- + {output dv2 #1 off}
- + Close output file number 1 for Device 2.
- +
- + {output data -rf}
- + Open 'data.io' file for floating point output values and assign
- + a file number to it.
- + Note: -rd = radix decimal, -rf = radix float, -rh = radix hexadecimal
- +
- + User program must {jsr $E004} with file number in X0 register
- + and the word to transfer in the A1 register.
- + On return: The Extension(E) bit in the status register will be set if an
- + incorrect transfer occurs, otherwise the E bit will be zero.
- +
- + User program must {jsr $E006} with file number in upper byte of X0 register
- + the block size in the lower two bytes of X0 and the starting memory
- + location to transfer data block to in R7.
- + On return: The (E) bit in the status register will be set if an
- + incorrect transfer occurs, otherwise the E bit will be zero.
- +
- >path
- +
- + {----------- PATH: Specify Default Pathname -----------}
- +
- + {P}ATH [{DV0..7}] [pathname]
- +
- ; PC
- ; {path \\adm}
- ; Define the default directory for ADS files as '\\adm'.
- ;
- ; {path \\adm\\day2}
- ; Define the default directory for ADS files as '\\adm\\day2'.
- ; MAC
- ; {path hd:adm}
- ; Define the default directory for ADS files as 'hd:adm'.
- ;
- ; {path hd:adm:day2}
- ; Define the default directory for ADS files as 'hd:adm:day2'.
- + {path /adm/day2}
- + Define the default directory for ADS files as '/adm/day2'.
- +
- + {path}
- + Show the current default pathname.
- +
- >quit
- +
- + {----------- QUIT: Quit DSP56116 User Interface Session -----------}
- +
- + {Q}UIT
- +
- >radix
- +
- + {----------- RADIX: Change Input or Display Radix --------}
- +
- + {R}ADIX [{DV0..7}] [{B}(bin)/{D}(dec)/{H}(hex)/{F}(float)] [reg[_block]/addr[_block]
- +
- + {radix}
- + Display the default radix currently enabled.
- +
- + {radix h}
- + Change input radix to hexadecimal. Hexadecimal constant entries
- + no longer require a preceding dollar sign, but any decimal constants will
- + require a preceding grave accent ({`}).
- +
- + {radix dv1 f x:$100..$1ff}
- + Enable floating point radix display of X memory 100 hex to 1ff hex for
- + Device #1
- +
- + {radix d a2 a1 a0}
- + Enable decimal radix display for registers a2,a1 and a0 of default Device.
- +
- >save
- +
- + {----------- SAVE: Save ADS56116 File -----------}
- +
- + {S}AVE [{DV0..7}] {S}(state)/addr_block... filename
- +
- + {save p:0..$ff x:0..$20 y:0..$20 session1}
- + Save all three memory maps to OMF file 'session1.lod'.
- +
- + {save s lunchbrk}
- + Save the default Device state to filename 'lunchbrk.adm'.
- +
- + {save dv1..3 s lunchbrk.b}
- + Save the state of Devices 1,2 and 3 to filename 'lunchbrk.b'.
- + Note: Device#1 path will be the path name preceded to the filename.
- +
- >step
- +
- + {----------- STEP: Step Through DSP56116 Program -----------}
- +
- + {ST}EP [{DV0..7}] [count]
- +
- + {step }
- + Step one instruction and display the enabled registers and memory blocks.
- +
- + {step $50}
- + Execute hex 50 instructions and display the enabled registers and memory
- + blocks at the end of the hex 50th instruction.
- +
- + {step dv1..4 10}
- + Execute 10 instructions on Devices 1,2,3 and 4 siumultaneously and
- + display the enabled registers and memory blocks of each when they have
- + each completed their 10 instructions.
- +
- >system
- +
- + {----------- SYSTEM: Execute System Command -----------}
- +
- + {SY}STEM [system_command [parameter_list]]
- +
- + {system dir}
- + Execute the system 'dir' command and immediately return to the ADS56116.
- +
- + {system dir *.io}
- + Execute the system 'dir *.io' command
- +
- + {system }
- + {dir *.io}
- + {del he.io}
- + {exit}
- + Leave the ADS program temporarily. Execute the system 'dir *.io' and
- + 'del he.io' commands. Return to the ADS program when the system 'exit'
- + command is executed.
- +
- >trace
- +
- + {----------- TRACE: Trace Through DSP56116 Program -----------}
- +
- + {T}RACE [{DV0..7}] [count]
- +
- + {trace }
- + Execute one instruction and display the enabled registers and memory
- + blocks.
- +
- + {trace 20}
- + Execute 20 instructions and display the enabled registers and memory
- + blocks after each instruction.
- +
- + {trace dv2,4 5}
- + Execute 5 instructions on Devices 2 and 4 from their current program counter
- + and display their enabled registers and memory blocks after each instruction.+
- >wait
- +
- + {----------- WAIT: Wait Specified Time -----------}
- +
- + {W}AIT [count(seconds)]
- +
- + The wait command pauses for count seconds or until the user types any key
- + before continuing to the next command. If the wait command is entered
- + without a count parameter, the command will only terminate if the user
- + types a key. This command is useful when using a macro file to execute
- + a group of instructions and pause for a review of displayed results.
- +
- >comments
- +
- + {----------- User Comments -----------}
- +
- + {;}comment string entry
- +
- + Anything on the command line following a semicolon is considered a user
- + comment. It can be logged to the output log files to document a session.
- +
- >macros
- +
- + {----------- Macro Commands -----------}
- +
- + {Macro filename}
- +
- + Any unrecognized mnemonic entry will be interpreted as a macro name.
- + Macro command files may be created using the ADS56116 LOG command.
- +